About LMS

The Liner Management System (also known as LMS) is designed to collaborate between BBC Headquarter, BBC Liner Houston and their Agencies. It is primary used as platform with access to Quotes, Bookings, Booking Notes and Invoices all over the individual liner services provided by BBC Chartering GmbH

For further questions or issues about LMS, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Contact Person Location Email Address Phone Mobile
Ulli Nuessmann Leer (Chartering Department) Ulli.Nuessmann@bbc-chartering.com +49 491 92520 967 +49 173 6284713
Christian Buss Leer (Chartering Department) Christian.Buss@bbc-chartering.com +49 491 92520 963 +49 173 6284796
Nelson Cormack Houston (Liner Department) Nelson.Cormack@bbc-chartering.com +1 713 668 4020 +1 713 397 8854
IT Team Leer (IT Department) it@bbc-chartering.com +49 491 92520 817